March 12, 2025 | 05:49 pm

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Minister of Environment Hanif Faisol Nurofiq announced that the government will demolish 30 buildings in the Puncak area, Bogor Regency, West Java. This action is being taken because the buildings were constructed in locations that do not comply with established spatial planning regulations. Consequently, it is suspected that the construction of these buildings has contributed to increased flooding.
"Because it doesn't fit the function, the role of the landscape," Hanif said at the Presidential Palace Complex in Central Jakarta on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.
Regarding buildings that were constructed with permits granted by local authorities, Hanif indicated that these cases will be thoroughly investigated. He confirmed that any permits found to be in violation will be revoked. "Yes [it will be revoked]," Hanif said.
According to Hanif, the revocation of these permits is necessary due to the suspected role of these buildings in causing flooding in the Puncak area. The government's objective is to restore the natural function of the Puncak region.
In addition to Puncak, the government plans to demolish buildings in the upstream areas of Bekasi and Sentul, also in Bogor. The government intends to restore the land's original function in these areas as well.
Hanif also stated that the government has imposed sanctions on Hibisc Fantasy, a tourist site owned by PT Jaswita, for violating regulations and allegedly contributing to environmental problems in the Bogor area.
Hibisc is required to undertake environmental restoration, replanting, and demolition. "The sanctions also include replanting, the restoration of river flows, and the preservation of water sources. This is because it is located upstream," he explained.
Hanif emphasized that President Prabowo Subianto has called for decisive action to protect the environment. The President, Hanif said, wants to protect the community.
West Java Governor Dedi Mulyadi previously confirmed that the Hibisc Fantasy tourist site, located in the Gunung Mas tea plantation in Puncak, Bogor Regency, and owned by PT Jaswita Jabar, will be demolished for violating land use regulations.
Editor’s Choice: Floods in Puncak Area, Deputy Minister Plans to Relocate Houses on Ciliwung River Banks
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