February 11, 2025 | 11:24 am

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) aspires to maximize the impoverishment drug smugglers or dealers to obliterate their business.
Head of BNN Marthinus Hukom said that the strategy would be realized by optimizing task forces involving the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK).
"We have requested PPATK as the head of the Anti-Money Laundering Task Force," said Hukom when contacted on Sunday, February 9, 2025.
Hukom stated that the idea of impoverishing drug dealers is not new. However, he mentioned that the implementation has not been maximized since drug traffickers can still hide their assets.
In response, he emphasized the importance of collaboration among law enforcement agencies to follow up on money laundering crimes, including the impoverishment of drug network perpetrators, which is aimed to be achieved through task forces.
He mentioned that the task force is led by the Chair of PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana and comprises several law enforcers such as investigators, prosecutors from the Financial Services Authority, and banking institutions.
Hukom added that the task force works to analyze financial transactions of drug network perpetrators, thereby facilitating the pursuit of the assets of drug traffickers.
On a separate occasion, Hukom urged all parties to oversee all narcotics enforcement processes. He considered the drug business to be susceptible to involving law enforcement through bribery given by the perpetrators. Hence, external parties are required to monitor the development of each case.
"We know that we are facing a crime with economic power. They are capable of paying anyone. Many drug dealers we captured were not punished according to what they had done," during a press conference at his office in Cawang, East Jakarta, Friday, February 7, 2025.
Meanwhile, Chair of PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana explained that impoverishing drug network perpetrators can ensnare dealers, couriers, and kingpins. The efforts to impoverish them will be pursued through various means.
For instance, apprehending perpetrators for AML crimes, using the 'follow the money' method to uncover networks and identify assets both domestically and abroad, and maximizing asset confiscation. "Maximizing asset confiscation, both through penalties and other confiscation mechanisms for perpetrators who are not found," Ivan said.
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