Interesting Facts About Durian, Its Trees Can Live Up to 100 Years

9 hours ago 10

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Durian, often dubbed as the king of fruits, is a fruit that has its own uniqueness, from its taste, texture, to its distinctive odor.

Despite its smell often becoming a controversy, durian still has many fans worldwide thanks to its sweet taste and soft texture.

Furthermore, there are several interesting facts about durian that you may not be aware of. So, what are these facts? To find out the answers, check out the following review.

Facts about Durian

Here are 7 facts about durian that you should know.

1. Durian Can Cause Weight Gain

Quoting Healthxchange, durian contains very high calories, so it can affect weight if consumed in large amounts.

A 1 kg durian contains around 1,350 calories and fulfills almost 70 percent of an adult's daily calorie needs.

Even a single durian seed (about 40 grams) contains 54 calories. Therefore, if you are trying to maintain your weight or following a diet program, it is important to control durian consumption.

2. Durian is Rich in Nutrients

In addition to its sweet taste, durian is also rich in beneficial nutrients for the body's health. As cited from Healthxchange, durian contains potassium, fiber, iron, vitamin C, and B complex vitamins.

All of these contents are very good for improving muscle, blood, skin, and supporting the nervous system and immune system. Additionally, durian can also help facilitate the digestive system due to its high fiber content.

3. Diabetics Need to Limit Durian Consumption

For those with diabetes, durian consumption needs to be limited. Durian contains natural sugars such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose.

Therefore, durian can cause significant spikes in blood sugar. If you have diabetes or are on a low-sugar diet, it is best to avoid consuming durian in large quantities.

4. Durian as an Instant Energy Source

Durian is not only delicious, but it can also provide instant energy for your body. Durian contains a high amount of carbohydrates, which can help replenish the body's energy after physical activity.

In addition, the potassium content in durian also helps reduce fatigue and relieve mental stress.

5. Durian Seeds are Edible

It turns out that durian seeds, which are usually discarded, can be eaten, as long as they undergo proper processing. Raw durian seeds contain compounds that are harmful to health. Therefore, durian seeds must be boiled, roasted, or fried before consumption.

In addition to being eaten directly, durian seeds can also be processed into chips and can replace the function of rice or sweet potatoes due to their high starch content.

6. Thornless Durian

Quoting from IPB Digitani, there is a type of durian that does not have thorns at all, called thornless durian.

Thornless durian is the result of a very rare genetic mutation. This type of durian has a very different appearance compared to regular durian, with a round shape and brown color.

It is smaller and smoother, similar to a coconut, with the fruit flesh being white to pale yellow. Despite its different appearance, the taste of the flesh of thornless durian is still sweet and soft like regular durian.

7. Durian Trees Can Live More than 100 Years

Durian trees are known to have a long lifespan, and can even reach more than 100 years. Durian trees can grow up to 150 years or more, and some durian trees can even reach 300 years old.

Although the fruit production decreases with the age of the tree, the quality of the fruit produced becomes better. The older the durian tree, the more expensive its fruit becomes.

Aulia Ulva contributed to the writing of this article.

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