Minister: Teaching Soldiers Are Volunteers, Not Linked to TNI Dual Function

1 day ago 20

March 24, 2025 | 09:30 pm

TEMPO.CO, JakartaThe Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Abdul Mu'ti, stated that personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) who are part of the teaching program in certain regions are categorized as volunteers and not permanent teachers.

"Yes, they are volunteers, not permanent educators," Mu'ti said when met at his office in Central Jakarta on Monday, March 24, 2025.

According to Mu'ti's explanation, there’s no need for a public outcry, as the program cannot be categorized as a dual function for active soldiers.

He compared this program to the common practices of community work and mutual cooperation in Indonesia. He emphasized that there is no difference between TNI personnel teaching in schools and those participating in community work, locally known as kerja bakti.

"TNI personnel who participate in community work, why are they not questioned? Because it’s not a dual position but an additional task," he said.

Mu’ti also referred to such tasks, including the TNI teaching program, as a “noble job,” as the program is mainly implemented in regions with high security risks. "In certain regions, education volunteers are needed, those who can provide educational services to children living in areas with high security risks," he said.

Recently, an attack was carried out by the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Movement, or TPNPB-OPM, in Anggruk District, Yahukimo Regency, Papua Highlands on Friday, March 21, resulting in one fatality and six injured in the burning of educational facilities.

TNI Public Information Chief Brigadier General Kristomei Sianturi stated that they had evacuated teachers and healthcare workers following the attack. He mentioned that the attack was allegedly carried out by the Elkius Kobak-led group, which had previously demanded money from the teachers.

Mu'ti expressed his regret over the incident and offered his condolences. He stated that they will continue to collaborate with the military for the teaching program. “We will work with the military in what is called the TNI Mendidik (TNI Educates) program, which apparently began in the previous regime, in 2019," said Mu'ti.

Discussions about the involvement of armed forces in sectors outside defense and security have been ongoing since lawmakers began discussing the controversial military bill. Concerns were raised about the revival of TNI dual function, which allowed for the expansion of military roles in the government. 

Hammam Izzuddin and Raden Putri Alpadillah Ginanjar contributed to the writing of this article.

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