PDIP Elite Clarifies Secretary General's Position Remains Megawati's Authority

2 months ago 51

January 8, 2025 | 03:30 pm

TEMPO.CO, JakartaChairman of the PDIP Central Leadership Council, Said Abdullah, explained the mechanism for changing the structure of members and secretary general within the PDIP. According to him, the position of party secretary-general is the authority of PDIP General Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Will there be a change of secretary general or will Mr. Hasto resign? The one who mandates it is Mrs. Megawati, the chairperson," Said said at the Parliament complex in Senayan, Jakarta on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.

Said conveyed this in response to the news of the alleged replacement of Hasto Kristiyanto from the position of party secretary general. This was after Hasto was named a suspect by the KPK in an ex-bribery case involving PDIP politician Harun Masiku against KPU Commissioner for the 2017-2022 period Wahyu Setiawan.

Said said that the situation in the internal sphere of  PDIP is still very conducive. In fact, currently, all cadres are preparing to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the party bearing the bull's symbol. "Is there an issue of changing the secretary general? Nothing yet," he said.

On December 24, KPK named Hasto a suspect in a Harun Masiku bribery case. Since being named a suspect, Hasto has never responded to KPK's summons.

KPK Chairman Setyo Budiyanto said Hasto had a vital role in the bribery case. He allegedly assisted in the escape of  Harun Masiku. Harun is a PDIP cadre who is also a suspect in this case. Until now, Harun is still a fugitive.

Based on the KPK investigation, according to Setyo, Hasto played a role starting from providing bribe money. The KPK found the source of the bribe money from Hasto. "The bribe money was partly from HK; that's from the results we obtained at this time," said Setyo.

Yesterday, KPK investigators searched Hasto's house.

KPK spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto confirmed information about the search. Tessa said the search occurred at Hasto's house in East Bekasi, West Java.

"It is true that investigators are currently searching for the case of suspect HK. For further developments will be conveyed, when the activity is complete," said Tessa when contacted, Tuesday, December 7, 2024.

Nandito Putra contributed to the writing of this article.


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