Prabowo to Attend Opening of Muslimat NU Congress in Surabaya

3 weeks ago 39

February 10, 2025 | 09:12 am

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The opening of the XVIII Congress of Muslimat NU will take place on Monday, February 10, 2025 in Surabaya. President Prabowo Subianto is scheduled to attend the event.

In addition to the President, Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka is scheduled to attend. The ranks of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) will also attend the event.

"The President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Vice President have been confirmed, God willing, to attend," said the General Chairperson of Muslimat NU, Khofifah Indar Parawansa to the media crew, Sunday, February 9, 2024.

Khofifah said that a number of ministers of the Red and White Cabinet would attend and provide materials in the plenary session of the congress. Among them are the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Minister of Health, Minister of Religion, Head of the National Nutrition Agency, Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions, Minister of Social Affairs, and Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA).

"A number of ministers attended and provided materials because Muslimat NU has partnered with the relevant ministries. So God willing, they will be present to provide material in the plenary session of the congress," said Khofifah.

According to Khofifah, there will be more than 7,000 members of Muslimat NU attending the opening ceremony tomorrow. They come from various regions in Indonesia, including 10 administrators of special branches of Muslimat NU abroad.

In this congress, Muslimat NU will launch three national programs, including Beautiful Muslimat Eradicating Extreme Poverty (Mustika Mesem), Beautiful Muslimat Environmentally Aware (Mustika Darling) and Beautiful Muslimat Healthy and Fit (Mustika Segar).

Khofifah explained that these three programs have been implemented in several regions. For example, the Mustika Mesem program which is a nutritious food program from Muslimat NU for people who are categorized as extremely poor. Meanwhile, the Mustika Darling Program is an education program for every member of Muslimat NU to care about cleanliness. For example, the agenda of religious studies that does not leave trash.

"For Mustika Segar, it is a gymnastics program where every movement is adjusted for the elderly because the majority of Muslimat NU members are no longer young," said the elected Governor of East Java for 2024-2029.

The series of activities for the XVIII Muslimat NU Congress began on Sunday, February 9, 2025. The congress committee held a Quran Reading and Orphanage at the Jatim Expo. Meanwhile, the main activities of the congress will be held on February 11-15, 2025 at the Sukolilo Hajj Dormitory, Surabaya.

Editor’s Choice: Prabowo-Gibran and Cabinet Members Attend 102nd NU Anniversary Commemoration at Istora Senayan

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