House of Representatives Announces Working Partners for 13 Commissions

2 months ago 39

TEMPO.CO, JakartaThe House of Representatives (DPR) officially established the division of working partners for its 13 commissions during a plenary session led by House Speaker Puan Maharani at the parliamentary complex in Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday, October 22, 2024.

Puan read aloud the list of working partners for Commissions I to XIII, seeking approval from all council members. “Is the scope of duties and working partners for Commissions I to XIII approved?” she asked.

“Agreed,” the members responded unanimously.

“Thank you,” said Puan, concluding the meeting with a gavel.

Working Partners of the 13 DPR Commissions

Here is the list of all working partners of the 13 DPR commissions for the term of office 2024-2029:

Commission I

Defense, Foreign Affairs, and Informatics

1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2. Ministry of Defense

3. Ministry of Communication and Digital

4. Commander of Indonesian Military (TNI) Headquarters - Army, Navy, and Air Force

5. State Intelligence Agency (BIN)

6. State Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN)

7. National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas)

8. Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla)

9. Homeland Security Council (Wantannas)

10. Press Council

11. Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI)

12. Central Information Commission (KIP)

13. Film Censorship Agency (LSF).

Commission II

Internal Government Affairs, Land, and Empowerment of Apparatus

1. Ministry of Home Affairs

2. Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform

3. Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency

4. General Election Commission (KPU)

5. General Election Supervisory Board (DKPP)

6. Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu)

7. Indonesian Ombudsman (ORI)

8. State Civil Service Agency (BKN)

9. National Administration Institute (LAN RI)

10. National Archives of Indonesia (ANRI)

11. National Capital Integrated Coastal Development Authority (IKN)

12. National Border Management Agency (BNPP)

Commission III

Law Enforcement

1. Attorney General's Office

2. Indonesian National Police

3. Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)

4. Supreme Court General Secretariat

5. Constitutional Court General Secretariat

6. Judicial Commission General Secretariat

7. Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK)

8. National Narcotics Board (BNN).

Commission IV

Agriculture, Forestry, and Marine Affairs

1. Ministry of Agriculture

2. Ministry of Forestry

3. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

4. Logistics Agency (Bulog)

5. Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM)

6. National Food Agency (Bapanas)

7. Indonesian Quarantine Agency

Commission V

Infrastructure and Transportation

1. Ministry of Public Works

2. Ministry of Housing and Settlement Areas

3. Ministry of Transportation

4. Ministry of Villages and Underdeveloped Region Development

5. Ministry of Transmigration

6. Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG)

7. National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas)

Commission VI

Trade, Trade Zone, Business Competition Supervision, SOEs

1. Ministry of Trade

2. Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises

3. Ministry of Cooperatives

4. National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN)

5. Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU)

6. Free Trade Zone and Batam Free Port Authority (BP Batam)

7. Free Trade Zone and Sabang Free Port Authority (BPKS)

8. Indonesian Cooperative Council (DEKOPIN)

Commission VII

Industry, SMEs, Creative Economy, Tourism, and Media Facilities

1. Ministry of Industry

2. Ministry of Tourism

3. Ministry of Creative Economy/Agency for Creative Economy

4. Ministry of SMEs

5. National Standardization Agency (BSN)

6. Radio Republik Indonesia Public Broadcasting Institution (LPP RRI)

7. TVRI Public Television Broadcasting Institution (LPP TVRI)

8. National News Agency of Indonesia (Antara News)

Commission VIII

Religion, Social, Women and Children

1. Ministry of Religious Affairs

2. Ministry of Social Affairs

3. Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection

4. Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI)

5. National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB)

6. National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas)

7. Indonesian Wakaf Board (BWI)

8. Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH)

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