December 9, 2024 | 01:10 pm

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU Jakarta) has officially declared the candidate pair Pramono and Rano Karno as the winner of the 2024 Jakarta Regional Elections.
Following a two-day plenary session from Saturday to Sunday, December 7-8, the KPU Jakarta confirmed that the Pramono-Rano ticket secured 2,183,239 votes, surpassing the Ridwan Kamil-Suswono ticket (1,718,160 votes) and the Dharma-Kun ticket (459,230 votes).
The Pramono-Rano campaign team stated in response to the announcement that Jakarta residents yearn for the new leader to quickly address issues in the capital.
“I have been traveling around Jakarta and meeting with the people in Jakarta, everyone wants a leader in Jakarta who is ready to work to quickly solve the problems of Jakarta residents,” said Charles Honoris, treasurer of the Pramono-Rano campaign team, at the campaign headquarters in Menteng, Central Jakarta on Sunday, December 8, 2024.
Charles urged the other candidate pairs, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO) and Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana (Dharma-Kun), to accept the KPU's decision with grace. “We have been through a gradual counting process, starting from the TPS (polling station) level, the sub-district, the district, to the regency/city level. We have accepted the results,” he added.
Charles urged the other candidate pairs, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO) and Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana (Dharma-Kun), to accept the KPU's decision with grace. “We have been through a gradual counting process, starting from the TPS (polling station) level, the sub-district, the district, to the regency/city level. We have accepted the results,” the PDIP politician added, acknowledging that the other two candidate pairs have the right to challenge the results.
Pramono-Rano Ready to Realize Campaign Promises
Pramono and Rano Karno claimed they are ready to swiftly implement their "Jakarta Menyala" (Shining Jakarta) vision. “After officially assuming office on February 7, 2025, Pramono-Rano, having identified various pressing issues facing Jakarta residents, will immediately accelerate the realization of 'Jakarta Menyala',” said Charles.
He explained that the pair has pledged to build upon the successes of previous administrations while addressing the specific needs of Jakarta's citizens. This includes enhancing existing programs such as the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) and the Elderly Card, and improving public health services across the city.
According to Charles, with 50.07% of the vote, Pramono-Rano's victory signifies more than just numbers and data but reflects the great hope of Jakarta residents for a city that truly shines.
Editor's Choice: Democracy Has Returned to Jakarta
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