Sukabumi Flood Reaches 2 Meters, 50 Residents Evacuated

3 months ago 82

December 5, 2024 | 06:51 am

TEMPO.CO, JakartaRain for two consecutive days in Sukabumi, West Java, from yesterday until today, Wednesday, December 3, 2024, triggered floods, landslides, and collapsed bridges. The Head of the Pelabuhan Ratu Police Sector (Kapolsek), Police Commissioner Roni Haryanto, stated that the water level had reached 2 meters.

Roni mentioned that the floodwaters were caused by the overflow of the Cisawo and Cigangsa rivers. The police, together with the Sukabumi Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), evacuated 50 residents to the disaster response alert post established at several flood locations.

"We continue to coordinate with the BPBD and related agencies to assist the affected residents," Roni said in his statement on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.

In a different area, the Ciemas Police Chief, AKP Deni Miharja, stated that four villages, Mekarsakti Village, Mandrajaya Village, Tamanjaya Village, Ciwaru Village, and Ciemas Village, are submerged at a height of 2 meters. "The water level in several locations reaches up to two meters, so some residents must be evacuated to safer places," Deni said.

Floods have affected the Palabuhan Ratu and Ciemas Districts, as well as the Cidolog, Gegerbitung, Tegalbuleud, and Pabuaran Districts. Simultaneously, the Acting Chief Executive of the Sukabumi Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Deden Sumpena, also reported incidents of landslides and soil movements affecting at least 18 other areas in the region.

Landslides were recorded in Sangrawayang Village, Simpenan District; Sirnaresmi Village, Cisolok District; Babakan Panjang Village, Nagrak District; Cibaregbeg Village, Sagaranten District; Loji Village, Simpenan District; Palabuhanratu Sub-district, Palabuhanratu District. A similar incident also occurred in Hegarmamah Village, Warungkiara District, and Lengkong Village, Lengkong District.

Incidents of soil movements were reported in four locations, namely Sukamaju Village, Cikembar District, Bantargadung Village, and Bantargadung District. The other two locations are in Bantargadung Village, Bantargadung District.

The series of disasters occurred after heavy rains inundated most of the Sukabumi area from Tuesday afternoon until Wednesday morning. "We are evacuating disaster sites. The Sukabumi District BPBD is still collecting data and conducting assessments," said Deden, quoted from his statement on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.

Ahmad Fikri contributed to this article.


Editor's Choice: Extreme Downpours Trigger Landslides in West Java's Sukabumi and Cianjur

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