Civil Society Groups Denounce 'Problematic and Rushed' TNI Law Revision

8 hours ago 11

March 17, 2025 | 11:40 pm

TEMPO.CO, JakartaCivil society groups have rejected the government's push for the amendment of the Law on Indonesian Armed Forces, or TNI Law, citing its rushed process and flawed implementation. The groups include the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS), Amensty International Indonesia, and the Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI).

In a joint statement received by Tempo on Monday, March 17, 2025, the organizations expressed their concerns against what they called "stalled" and “regressed” military reform in Indonesia.

The Southeast Asian country previously initiated military reforms to end the dual function of TNI—which allowed active soldiers to hold civilian posts—following the downfall of the New Order regime. Concerns have been raised about the revival of military dual function under Prabowo’s administration. 

“Increasing military involvement in civilian affairs threatens the principle of civilian supremacy over the military, a fundamental principle of Indonesia’s security sector reform,” the groups wrote.

The civil society groups brought up two main concerns about the proposed revision of TNI Law. First, allowing active soldiers to hold ministerial or other civilian posts creates legal uncertainty, as both military and police operate under distinct ethical codes and enforcement mechanisms.

“If TNI personnel assigned to ASN positions commit an offence, they would be tried in a military court,” the joint statement read. Military courts are known for their “little to no transparency,” according to the groups, and yet the overdue revision of the Military Court Law remains unaddressed by the parliament.

Second, the process of TNI Law revision has been rushed with minimal public participation and lacked transparency, something the group said goes against several international human rights instruments, including Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Indonesia is party to the covenant.

The joint statement underscored the closed-door meeting at the Fairmont Hotel in Jakarta, which expedited the discussion on TNI Bill. KontraS, of which members entered the hotel’s meeting to protest the discussion, also faced numerous forms of intimidation for voicing concerns about the rushed process.

Thus, KontraS, Amnesty International Indonesia, and YLBHI declared that they reject “the rushed and flawed process of the TNI Bill” and urge the government to halt the discussion on the proposed revision.

The groups also call for comprehensive human rights protection towards KontraS and many other parties who expressed concerns over the problematic process of the TNI Law revision.

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