Police Uncover Weapons Supplier Network, TPNPB-OPM: 'We Have Other Networks'

18 hours ago 23

March 18, 2025 | 06:10 am

Sebby Sambom. phaul-heger.blogspot.com

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Spokesperson of the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM), Sebby Sambom, admits not to worry even though the Indonesian police have uncovered the weapons supplier network to their organization. He claims to still have other networks that can fulfill the need for weapons for their guerrilla warfare.

"True (there are still many other weapons supplier networks)," said Sebby when contacted by Tempo through a messaging application on Monday, March 17, 2025.

However, Sebby did not mention where the network comes from. He also did not answer whether the other network comes from within or outside the country.

"It is the TPNPB's business according to work connections," said Sebby. "Certainly (there are other networks), but that's confidential," he added.

Although the weapon supplier network was uncovered by the police, Sebby ensures that the resistance carried out by the TPNPB will not weaken. He mentioned that TPNPB-OPM's struggle will not change.

"Because TPNPB has experience in guerrilla warfare, survival, and continuous struggle for more than 60 years. So TPNPB is still capable," said Sebby. Previously, Sebby apologized to those who supported the smuggling of weapons to the OPM after their network was uncovered. "We apologize to everyone involved in supporting us, supplying weapons to TPNPB-OPM," said Sebby Sambom to Tempo on Saturday, March 15, 2025.

According to Sebby, the exposure of weapon smuggling occurred due to the mistake by TPNPB-OPM members. He suspected that Yuni Enumbi was not careful and divulged information to the Indonesian police and military, resulting in the exposure of the smuggling network.

"This is Yuni Enumbi's mistake for not being mentally prepared, so he 'sang.' It is because of his 'singing' that our network became a victim," said Sebby.

The Joint Task Force for Peace Operation Cartenz 2025 along with the Papua Regional Police uncovered the firearms supplier network for TPNPB-OPM. It was revealed that two former TNI soldiers were involved in selling firearms to OPM. The two former soldiers are former members of the XVIII/Kasuari Military Regional Command, namely Yuni Enumbi and Eko Sugiyono. They were discharged from the TNI for allegedly being involved in smuggling weapons to TPNPB-OPM in 2022.

The Papua Regional Police and East Java Regional Police also unveiled a firearms manufacturing network in Bojonegoro, East Java. The network consists of Teguh Priyono, M. Kamaluddin, Pujiono, M. Herianto, and Adi Pamungkas. Except for Herianto, these names, along with Yuni and Eko, were designated as suspects for selling firearms to TPNPB-OPM.

"These new suspects were revealed based on the results of the development of the arrest of Yuni Enumbi," said Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Patrige Rudolf Renwarin in a written statement on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

Eka Yudha Saputra and Hammam Izzuddin contributed to the writing of this article.

Editor's Choice: Cartenz Peace Task Force Claims Weapons Supplier for TPNPB-OPM Comes from Mindanao, Philippines

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