December 1, 2024 | 05:14 pm

NATIONAL INFO - A study by the Ministry of Coordinating Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) emphasizes the importance of empowering rural women to build an inclusive Indonesian society through cross-sector collaboration.
The empowerment of women in rural areas has increasingly become a strategic focus of the government in realizing inclusive human development. A comprehensive study conducted by the Ministry of Coordinating Human Development and Culture reveals that empowering women in Indonesia’s villages is not merely a strategic initiative but a fundamental necessity to advance the nation’s progress.
The study, conducted in eight regencies and eleven villages, highlights the significant role of women as drivers of human development. “The empowerment of women as part of village development is crucial to building an inclusive Indonesian society,” said Assistant Deputy for Regional Empowerment and Spatial Mobility, Monalisa Herawati Rumayar, in a press release on Saturday, November 30, 2024.
The data collection, titled Study on Strengthening Women’s Empowerment and Village Development, employed a qualitative approach carried out from November 17–24, 2024. The study was conducted by the Deputy for Coordination of Regional Development and Disaster Management at the Ministry of Coordinating Human Development and Culture in collaboration with the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K). The study covered regencies including Bangka Tengah, Tanggamus, Indramayu, Bantul, Banyuwangi, Banjar, Maros, and Minahasa Utara.
The selection of locations was based on criteria such as the presence of intervention programs like the Village Government and Development Strengthening Program (P3PD), the inclusion of inclusive village components, government and non-government program interventions, gender equality and empowerment status, the Village Development Index (IDM), and empowerment issues. The data collection process involved various societal elements, including regional government organizations (OPD), village governments, women’s groups, farmer groups, religious leaders, community leaders, women beneficiaries of programs, non-beneficiary women, CSOs/NGOs, and private entities.
Preliminary findings of the study reveal that women’s empowerment programs implemented by district and village governments predominantly focus on economic improvement, skills training, and business management. These programs largely follow a top-down approach from central and district governments, although some local initiatives originate from village governments through village budgeting. A notable example is women’s business group training initiated by village governments.
The primary targets of these programs include female heads of households, micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) actors, survivors of domestic violence, former migrant workers, and other needy families. Cross-sector collaboration involving district governments, village governments, and CSOs has been identified as a positive aspect of these program implementations.
The study aims not only to document best practices but also to explore empowerment concepts that can serve as guidelines for village governments in drafting more participatory development plans. “From this study, we hope to solve specific issues and find solutions together with experts, providing better policy recommendations,” Monalisa added.
Focusing on rural women’s empowerment, the Ministry of Coordinating Human Development and Culture seeks to ensure that human development is not only inclusive but also sustainable. Rural women, with their resilience and potential, hold the key to realizing Indonesia’s aspirations as a more advanced, equitable, and just nation. (*)
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