December 8, 2024 | 05:42 pm

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is interrogating nine witnesses related to corruption allegations in the government of Bandung City. The forms of corruption include receiving gifts or promises in various procurements and projects funded by the Regional Budget (APBD) for the fiscal years 2020-2023. The nine individuals under interrogation are civil servants (PNS) and private sector employees.
"Yesterday, Friday, December 6, the interrogations were conducted at the Development Center for PUPR Competencies of Region IV Bandung," said KPK spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto in a written statement on Saturday, December 7, 2024.
The nine witnesses being questioned are Panji Kharismadi as Head of Transportation Facility and Infrastructure Department of Bandung Transportation Agency; Ferlian Hadi as Head of Facility and Infrastructure Section of Bandung Transportation Agency; Rini Januanti as Financial Verifier of Bandung Communication and Information Office.
Next, Ridwan Permana as Commercial Staff of PT Marktel; Mulyana as Finance Administration Manager of PT Marktel; Soni Setiadi as Managing Director of PT Citra Jelajah Informatika (PT CIFO); Yohannes Situmorang as Head of General Affairs and Personnel Subsection of Bandung Transportation Agency; Sukmara as civil servant; and Aditia Eka Permana as civil servant.
In this case, the KPK has implicated former Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana as a suspect. Yana is suspected of receiving bribes and gratuities in the CCTV procurement project and internet service provider for the Bandung Smart City project for the fiscal years 2022-2023.
Aside from Yana Mulyana, the other five suspects are Head of Transportation Agency Dadang Darmawan, Secretary of Transportation Agency Khairul Rijal, Director of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) Benny, Manager of PT SMA Andreas Guntoro, and CEO of PT Citra Jelajah Informatika (CIFO) Sony Setiadi.
This case began when the Bandung City Government launched Bandung as a smart city through the Bandung Smart City program in 2018. After Yana Mulyana was inaugurated as Mayor of Bandung in 2022, Bandung Smart City continued to enhance CCTV and internet services (internet service provider/ISP). Yana has been sentenced to four years in prison plus a fine of Rp 200 million in this case.
Editor's Choice: KPK Elected Chief Setyo Budiyanto Says OTT to Continue
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