November 15, 2024 | 08:00 pm

NATIONAL INFO - La Ode Ahmad P. Bolombo, Director General of Village Government Development (Dirjen Bina Pemdes) at Indonesia’s Ministry of Home Affairs, recently emphasized the importance of collaboration in driving progress for Indonesia’s villages. During a working visit to Budo Village in Wori District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, on November 13, 2024, La Ode urged village leaders and officials to work hand-in-hand in enhancing their communities, highlighting the need for cross-sector partnerships to unlock village potential.
“Budo Village has the potential to become the epicenter of tourism villages in North Sulawesi, setting a standard that could be replicated in other regions,” La Ode Ahmad said. Recognizing Budo's appeal as a tourism village, he underscored the importance of involving various government agencies and relevant stakeholders to effectively promote and develop the village's unique offerings. His vision includes establishing Budo Village as a model for others, and fostering a strong village brand that attracts visitors while preserving local culture.
La Ode Ahmad encouraged the North Sulawesi Village Empowerment Office (Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, or PMD) to coordinate closely with the Regional Management Consultant (RMC) for North Sulawesi, which plays a key role in implementing the Village Government and Development Strengthening Program (P3PD). Through this program, the government aims to empower village administrations and equip them with the skills and resources to improve local governance and infrastructure. “To accelerate village progress, coordinated action with RMC is essential. This synergy can help identify village needs and create strategic plans for sustainable development,” he said.
Cross-sector collaboration is central to La Ode Ahmad’s approach to rural development. He envisions Budo Village and others like it becoming self-sustaining communities, with strong local governance that can attract investment and tourism. This includes not only improving physical infrastructure but also building networks with private sector partners, tourism boards, and other stakeholders. By working together, villages can create more substantial economic opportunities, enhancing residents' quality of life.(*)
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