March 14, 2025 | 01:37 pm

TEMPO.CO, Tangerang - Tangerang City Police will provide a free motorbike and car storage service during the 2025 Eid al-Fitr homecoming. "The storage serves at the Tangerang City Police Office and 12 Police Sectors," said Tangerang City Police Chief, Commissioner Zain Dwi Nugroho on Friday, March 15, 2025.
Zain explained that the free vehicle storage service aims to provide peace of mind, safety, and comfort for homecomers when leaving their homes and vehicles. According to Zain, the storage program for two and four-wheeled rides is following the direction of the Jakarta Metro Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto, where every year the Jakarta Metro Police provides free storage services for two-wheeled (R-2) and four-wheeled (R-4) vehicles for homecomers.
Police do this to prevent car theft when houses are left empty during Eid homecoming.
The free motorcycle and car storage service will be available from 22 March 2025 until 8 April 2025. "To make it easier for the public, they can contact the hotline at the nearest Police Sector from their residence," said Zain.
For terms and conditions, Zain said the public only needs to bring and show proof of vehicle ownership such as the vehicle registration certificate (BPKB/STNK) and the owner's ID card for easy data processing.
Zain urged the public to avoid riding motorbikes for the homecoming because of the potential risks. "Don't let any risks occur during the holiday travels to the hometown. The police will, of course, work to reduce the number of traffic accidents," Zain said.
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