December 4, 2024 | 04:09 pm

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - President Prabowo Subianto recounts a story when he was ridiculed and threatened for his determination to eradicate corruption, poverty, and hunger in Indonesia.
Prabowo told the story during the inauguration of Muhammadiyah’s conference and 112th anniversary reception in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.
The president talked about the wealth of resources Indonesia possesses, which he lamented has not been utilized optimally due to a lack of skill in preserving it.
"That's why I am committed to achieving a clean government,” he said. “And it’s not easy.”
Prabowo admitted to facing derision and threats due to his determination to lead a clean government, but he claimed to be accustomed to such responses over his ambition.
Prabowo said he received psychological attacks and instigation against his programs. One such program is the free nutritious meal program that commences next month.
Prabowo said some parties claimed that the free meal program would crash the stock index.
"I replied, I don’t have stocks, and villagers don’t have them either,” the president remarked, adding that the crash will only affect market players.
Editor’s Choice: Prabowo: Corrupt Government Cannot Bring Prosperity to People
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