November 17, 2024 | 06:10 pm

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Apple Inc. reported to build a factory in Bandung with an investment of Rp158 billion to produce more products in Indonesia in response to the ban on selling the iPhone 16 in the country.
However, Deputy Chairman of Commission XI of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Muhammad Hanif Dhakiri stated that, based on an audit, Apple must invest an additional Rp300 billion from their total commitment of Rp1.7 trillion.
He requested that the American technology company realize the remaining investment and increase its contribution to the Indonesian economy.
According to him, the investment is far from Apple's sales revenue, which reached Rp30 trillion in the country.
"This is not just about numbers, but about justice. With such income, Apple should provide a real contribution that is proportionate to support the development of the technology and digital ecosystem in Indonesia," said Hanif Dhakiri in a statement in Jakarta, Sunday, November 17, 2024.
He assessed that Apple's minimal contribution to the Indonesian economy shows the lack of social responsibility of companies towards the country where they make significant profits.
Therefore, he urged the government to officially summon Apple to Indonesia to provide an explanation regarding this disparity.
He also hoped that the government would reconsider incentives and foreign investment policies, so that companies that generate significant profits in the country would make more significant economic contributions, and formulate regulations that encourage economic redistribution, such as the Domestic Component Level (TKDN) for products marketed in Indonesia.
"If Apple does not fulfill its commitments soon, the government must consider firm steps, including evaluating trade and investment regulations for foreign companies," he said.
According to him, Commission XI of the DPR is committed to continue overseeing this issue so that national interests and the welfare of the people become the top priorities, not just the profits for global companies.
Earlier, the Ministry of Industry deactivated the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) numbers for iPhone 16 products that were proven to be sold domestically.
This is because the latest series from the giant company Apple has not been able to enter the domestic market, considering the unfinished investment commitments.
During 2023 and 2024, Apple sold 3.8 million units of mobile phones, computers, and tablets (HKT).
Previously, Deputy Minister of Industry Faisol Riza mentioned that they had heard about Apple's investment plans in Indonesia, but he hoped that the commitment would indeed be implemented.
"We hope that the current commitment conveyed (Apple's investment plan worth 10 million US dollars) can be implemented as soon as possible," said Faisol at the Indonesia Seamless Tube Summit event in Jakarta on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 as quoted from Antara.
The ban on selling the iPhone 16 in Indonesia was imposed by the government because it did not possess a Domestic Component Level (TKDN) certificate as an absolute requirement for selling in Indonesia. To obtain the certificate, Apple must invest through three schemes; manufacturing plants, innovation, or through application development.
Previously, Apple had committed to investing in Indonesia through the innovation scheme by developing the fourth Apple Academy in Indonesia, with a total capital investment reaching Rp1.71 trillion.
From that commitment, the Ministry of Industry stated that Apple had only implemented an investment of Rp1.48 trillion, still around Rp240 billion short. The iPhone 16 series that has currently entered Indonesia is only limited to personal use by passengers from abroad. However, the ban does not apply to other Apple products such as Macbook laptops or iPad tablets.
Editor's Choice: Apple Reportedly Applies for Investment of Rp158 Billion in Indonesia, Ready to Build Factory in Bandung
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