Indonesia's Bawaslu to Review 130 Reports of Money Politics during Regional Election

3 months ago 55

TEMPO.CO, JakartaThe Indonesian Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) will conduct a preliminary review of 130 reports on alleged money politics during the electoral silence period and election day. 

"Bawaslu will conduct a legal review within five days," said Bawaslu member Puadi to the media crew on Wednesday, November 27, 2024.

Such allegations consist of the distribution of money or other materials and the findings of money or other materials that will potentially be distributed to people. 

The alleged violations resulted from Bawaslu’s monitoring and citizen reports during the pre-election silence and election day. During the electoral silence period, Bawaslu detected 11 incidents and received 60 reports from the public regarding alleged money distribution. 

Meanwhile, during the same period, Bawaslu detected 11 incidents and received 39 reports from the public regarding alleged potential money distribution.

During the election day on November 27, Bawaslu detected eight incidents of alleged money distribution and one finding of alleged potential money distribution. 

Bawaslu chief Rahmat Bagja stated that the agency would conduct a preliminary review of the alleged violations and discuss whether they constitute findings in a plenary meeting. 

Bagja mentioned that those involved in money politics would be charged under Article 187 A of the Election Law, which refers to promising or giving money as an incentive to sway voters. Money politics is punishable by a minimum of 36 months in prison and 72 months maximum. 

"Punishable to both the giver and receiver," said Bagja.

Bagja also said he could not conclude whether there was a connection between the implementation of simultaneous regional elections and money politics. 

"Whether money politics is a massive problem is something we have yet to conclude,” he said, adding that it may be unproven in a court of law if the evidence is insufficient. 

Mapping of alleged money politics during electoral silence

Results of Bawaslu's supervision:

North Sumatra: Humbang Hasundutan District.

East Java: Pasuruan Regency and Batu City. In West Sulawesi

West Sulawesi: Mamuju District.

Aceh Province: Banda Aceh City and Bireuen District.

West Java: Depok City.

North Sulawesi: Bolaang Mongondow District and two cases in Kotamobagu City.

Special Region of Yogyakarta: Sleman Regency.

Results of citizen reports:

East Java: Probolinggo City and Sumenep Regency.

Lampung: South Lampung.

West Sulawesi: Polewali Mandar Regency.

Banten: Serang City, Pandeglang Regency, Tangerang City, and Cilegon City.

North Maluku: South Halmahera Regency

East Kalimantan: Balikpapan City, West Kutai Regency, and Kutai Kartanegara Regency.

West Java: West Bandung Regency, Cianjur Regency, Kuningan Regency, and Depok City.

Mapping of alleged potential money distribution during electoral silence

Results of Bawaslu's supervision:

Central Papua: Mimika Regency.

Banten: Serang Regency, Pandeglang Regency, and Tangerang City.

South Sulawesi: East Luwu Regency and Sinjai Regency.

North Maluku: West Halmahera Regency.

Results of citizen reports:

Maluku: Tanimbar Islands Regency.

East Java: Jember Regency, Malang, Lumajang, Ngawi, Blitar, and Blitar City.

Banten: Tangerang City

South Sulawesi: Pinrang Regency.

North Maluku: Morotai Island Regency.

Bengkulu: Rejang Lebong Regency.

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT): Sikka Regency.

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB): Bima Regency and West Sumbawa Regency.

West Java: Indramayu Regency and Banjar City.

Riau: Pekanbaru City and Indragiri Hilir Regency.

South Sumatra: Lubuk Linggau Regency, Muara Enim Regency. 

Central Sulawesi: Tojo Unauna Regency.

Mapping of alleged money politics during election day

Results of Bawaslu's supervision: Southwest Papua.

Results of citizen reports:

North Maluku: South Halmahera Regency.

South Sumatra: Banyuasin Regency.

Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY): Sleman Regency.

South Kalimantan: Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency.

Mapping of alleged potential money distribution during election day

Results of citizen reports: Tasikmalaya City, West Java

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