November 18, 2024 | 02:02 pm

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Murder convict Jessica Kumala Wongso, along with her legal advisors, left the courtroom (walk out) during the judicial review (PK) hearing at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday, November 18, 2024. They objected to the presence of an expert witness by the public prosecutor. The reason being, this PK hearing is a stage for Jessica as the applicant. "Your Honors, because we object, we have decided to walk out," said Hidayat Bostam, a member of Jessica's legal team.
The legal team argued that in this PK hearing, the prosecutor should only respond or object to the expert presented by the applicant. If the prosecutor continues to present an expert, then this hearing will only replay the trial of the planned murder case in 2016. "It should be the convicted's right to receive new novum, that's why we filed for PK," said Hidayat.
Jessica's protest was not granted by the panel of judges. Chief Judge Zulkifli Atjo still allowed the prosecutor to present the expert. Zulkifli permitted Jessica and her legal team to leave the courtroom. "The objections from the applicant will be noted in the trial minutes," said Zulkifli.
The two experts presented by the prosecutor were Muhammad Nuh Al Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto as digital forensic experts. The expert examination continued without the presence of the applicant's party.
Jessica Kumala Wongso was dragged to the defendant's table on charges of murdering Wayan Mirna Salihin in Cafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia on January 6, 2016. Her modus operandi was to mix cyanide poison in Mirna's coffee.
The Central Jakarta District Court found Jessica guilty of killing Mirna. The panel of judges sentenced her to 20 years in prison. Jessica then appealed in March 2017. The Jakarta High Court upheld the decision of the first instance court. The same happened in the cassation level. The cassation judges unanimously rejected Jessica's appeal.
After spending 8.5 years in detention, Jessica breathed free air again. She was granted parole after receiving remission for 58 months and 30 days. Jessica still has obligation to report and undergo guidance at the East-North Jakarta Class I Penitentiary - Eastern Institution for the next eight years.
After being conditionally released, Jessica insisted that she did not kill Mirna. Hence, she filed for PK hoping that the Supreme Court would declare her innocence. The novum used was a CCTV recording played in the previous trial. Jessica's legal team believed that the CCTV footage had been edited. Jessica's legal team claimed to have obtained the edited CCTV footage.
Editor's Choice: Jessica Wongso Still an Inmate Despite Parole
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