December 2, 2024 | 03:58 pm

TEMPO.CO, Tangerang - PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia (InJourney Airports) has set a 50 percent reduction on Passenger Service Charge (PSC) to support the lower airfare policy during the 2025 Christmas and New Year holidays.
This applies at all 37 airports operated by InJourney Airports and on all domestic economy flight routes for ticket bookings from December 1, 2024, to January 3, 2025, during the Christmas and New Year Transport departure period from December 19, 2024, to January 3, 2025.
"This is a significant step for InJourney Airports to have a direct impact on lowering airfare,” said InJourney Airports CEO Faik Fahmi in a written statement on Monday, December 2.
Lowering the PSC, he said, lines up with the ministerial decree no. PR.303/1/20/MHB/2024 regarding the Imposition of Airport Service Tariff Discounts.
He said the passenger service fee is included in the airfare. Injourney Airports, he added, already set a 50 percent discount on the PSC, which will, in turn, affect the prices of plane tickets.
"The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, Ministry of Transportation, and InJourney as a state-owned enterprise holding company in the aviation and tourism sector support the reduction of airfare to help people's mobility and economic development," he said.
The move is also intended to stimulate domestic flights to allow for a positive impact on economic and tourism growth.
He hopes that the discount on PSC during this year-end holiday season can further stimulate people's economies and encourage domestic tourist destinations to be the main vacation option.
Prospective airline passengers can also ask or directly contact the airlines regarding the reduced PSC tariff, which is included in the airfare.
In addition to PSC, InJourney Airports has set a 50 percent discount on Landing, Placement, and Storage Aircraft Services (PJP4U) for airlines, which also applies at all airports managed by InJourney Airports during the Christmas and New Year Holiday.
"The 50 percent discount on the PJP4U tariff is applied for the aircraft parking fee at the airport as a form of InJourney Airports' support for airlines," he said.
According to him, InJourney Airports and the airlines have discussed the technical aspects of implementing the 50 percent discount policy on PSC and PJP4U to ensure a smooth operation.
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